Today is my brother Caleb's birthday. He doesn't read my blog, but I still want to say happy birthday anyway. Caleb was one of my best friends when I was little, even though there is almost a 10 year difference in our age. He helped me with science projects and one time he helped me build a model plane for school. I remember my mom sending me down to his room on Saturday mornings to wake him up. He would have me climb under the covers so he could go back to sleep and I was quite happy to hang out. When Caleb was in high school they had a donkey ball game. The basketball team played basketball while riding on donkeys. I'm sure Caleb's friends all had dates, but he took me with him. Afterward he took me out for ice cream. What an awesome brother. Caleb is still a good friend, I know he would do anything for me. He is such a hard worker and a great dad. I love my big brother!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Happy Birthday Caleb!
Today is my brother Caleb's birthday. He doesn't read my blog, but I still want to say happy birthday anyway. Caleb was one of my best friends when I was little, even though there is almost a 10 year difference in our age. He helped me with science projects and one time he helped me build a model plane for school. I remember my mom sending me down to his room on Saturday mornings to wake him up. He would have me climb under the covers so he could go back to sleep and I was quite happy to hang out. When Caleb was in high school they had a donkey ball game. The basketball team played basketball while riding on donkeys. I'm sure Caleb's friends all had dates, but he took me with him. Afterward he took me out for ice cream. What an awesome brother. Caleb is still a good friend, I know he would do anything for me. He is such a hard worker and a great dad. I love my big brother!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
10 years ago today
I said okay. Okay to what you ask? Ten years ago Ben and I were watching a movie at his parents house with his sister. During the movie, Ben leaned over and pointing to my CTR ring asked if I wanted to get a new one of those. I wanted to make sure I understood, so I asked what and he replied by asking me if I wanted to get a new ring. Once again, I wanted to really understand, so I made him come right out and ask me. He finally asked if I wanted a diamond ring and would I marry him. I said, okay! I wanted to yell, YES! But for some reason I just said, okay. Immediately we searched for a calendar. Neither one of us wanted a long engagement, we decided on April 5th, a Thursday. The next day we announced to our families and on Monday we went shopping for a new ring. Good memories!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Addy the Romantic
Addy has been reading the "Little house on the prairie" series of books. She has been cruising through them and loving them. Saturday she came upstairs and said "I can't believe it, it finally happened." "What?" I asked. "Almonzo finally asked Laura to marry him. (sigh)"
I haven't read the books yet, I know I can't believe it either, I asked Addy if Laura called Almonzo "Manly". I remembered that part from the TV series. A few days later she told me that Laura calls him Manly in the books. Then she started to gush about how he really is manly. It gave me a good laugh. Its funny that she gets grossed out if Ben and I kiss, but she likes to read about Laura and Manly and their romance. Now that she is finished with all of the books, maybe I can borrow them.
I haven't read the books yet, I know I can't believe it either, I asked Addy if Laura called Almonzo "Manly". I remembered that part from the TV series. A few days later she told me that Laura calls him Manly in the books. Then she started to gush about how he really is manly. It gave me a good laugh. Its funny that she gets grossed out if Ben and I kiss, but she likes to read about Laura and Manly and their romance. Now that she is finished with all of the books, maybe I can borrow them.
I'm not on a diet, I'm on a journey

After a meltdown a few weeks ago, I decided it was time to make some changes. I want to be healthier and hopefully lose some weight too. My plan is to exercise 6 days a week, eat healthier and drink more water. I'm basically following the eat less move more plan. I hate diets. Every time I have tried a diet, I feel worse because I am hungry all the time. I also hate saying that I won't eat certain foods, because then they seem all that more desirable. My eating plan is working so far. Nothing is "off limits". I'm trying to be conscious of my portion sizes and the foods/calories I'm eating. I exercise for about 45 minutes in the morning and drink about 1 gallon of water during the day. I eat 3 meals and at least 2 snacks every day. What's amazing to me is that with all of these little changes, I don't crave the sweets and junk food I normally do. And if I do crave it, I give in, but I don't binge, I just eat a little chocolate. So far, I have lost 6 lbs. and I feel a lot better. I have a lot more energy during the day and I am definitely getting more done. My knees hurt pretty bad, but they are hanging in there with a little help from glucosamine and ibuprofen. I also have been praying for help and I am receiving it.
Have you seen those commercials for Progresso soup? You know the one where the lady is at the store in her wedding dress? I told Ben I wish I could fit in my wedding dress, he told me that was a great goal. My first goal is to be able to fit into my wedding dress again by the end of summer. That means I have to drop 3-4 dress sizes in the next 7 months. Don't worry, I don't plan on wearing my wedding dress to the grocery store and talking into a tin can. I'm just giving myself a realistic goal to start with. I am so lucky to have a supportive husband. Ben has always told me I'm beautiful and that he loves me no matter what. Lately he tells me all the time that he's proud of me, that helps motivate me a lot. Wish me luck on my journey!

I'm always amazed at how smells can trigger memories. Yesterday I polished my old scuffed up shoes. When I opened the can of shoe polish, I had a flashback to my childhood. I was sitting at the counter in our kitchen watching my dad shine his shoes. He had this big shoe shine kit in a wooden box. My dad wore a suit and tie to work every day and so it seemed like he shined his shoes a lot. I remember watching him brush and buff his shoes until they were shiny and looking like new. My shoes are looking shiny and new too. Its nothing special, but it was still a sweet memory to me.
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