Monday, October 3, 2011

11 weeks and counting

Back in May I was struggling with some nagging thoughts. Especially the thought of "should we have more kids?" or can I be selfish and be done with the 3 beauties I have. Let's just say that after Maren was born, I decided I was done having children. It was a rough experience to say the least. Anyway, Ben and I had talked about it and he kept telling me we needed to have one more baby. I kept having these thoughts of "No, I can't do this again." I wanted to be done with it all and move on. In the back of my mind I'm thinking well if we are supposed to, it better be soon because I'm not getting any younger and I don't want a huge gap between Maren and another child. I tried to fast and pray about it, but I didn't do very well. I didn't want to pray about it, because I was afraid of what the answer would be. I liked my own plan best. Well, I'm sure if you're still reading this, you know what I'm getting at. Heavenly Father has a different plan for me and my family. In August I found out that our fourth baby is due in April. Surprise! This wasn't planned and I think I'm still in shock. I'm happy and excited, but for some reason 4 kids just scares me. It's not that I can't handle 4, I've had up to 12 kids in my home all at the same time while babysitting. I feel like I just got back into a good routine. I have 2 older kids who are fairly independent, and a 2 year old who is also very independent in her own way, and we have a good routine/schedule. And now, I'm starting all over again with sleepless nights and bottles and newborn diapers and no schedule. Aaaaaaaah! I know I'll survive and things will work out, but I must say, I'm a little nervous. Hopefully once the nausea/all day morning sickness phase is over and I have some more energy, I won't feel so stressed. Until then, I'll keep drinking Sprite and taking Phenergan when I'm at my wits end. Wish me luck, only 28.5 weeks to go!

Odds and ends of September

Addy is the 5th from the right on the bottom row

It's hard to believe that September is already over and that October is here. September wasn't too exciting, but here are a few things from the end of the month.
I went to our ward's annual Relief Society service auction and had a good time. I auctioned off a custom birthday cake (I'm not sure what I was thinking) My friend Stephanie bought it and I made a cake for her little boy's first birthday the next week.
Ben wired up our garage door opener with electricity and re-wired the lights. As soon as we find the money, we can get someone to come and hook everything else up. Then, if I can get the garage cleaned out, I might be able to park in the garage before winter comes. Yay!
Addy joined the school choir and loves it! She had her first performance last week. They sang two songs at the beginning of the school district board meeting. I'm so happy she loves music.
I can't think of anything else at the moment, like I say September wasn't too exciting.

Fall is in the air

we saw a lot of these on our walk

I thought this stick looked cool with the colored leaves under the water

3 cute little deer

Mt. Timpanogos

It's hard to see in the picture, but there's a patch of golden colored
Aspens right in the middle of all of the pine trees.

The days are getting shorter and the air is getting cooler. Fall is definitely in the air. I have to say that Fall is my favorite season, it has the perfect weather, sights and smells. As soon as the nights get cooler, I get very restless. I have a need to head for the hills. I've been going a little stir-crazy lately wanting to get out of the house and drive up the canyon. Finally on Friday evening we were able to leave home and head up the canyon. We took a picnic dinner and stopped at one of the picnic areas up the north fork. It was perfect weather, nice and cool, but not cold. We ate our dinner and then explored along the river. The girls absolutely loved it, Maren would squeal every time she touched the water in the river. She would dance around and scream "cold" then giggle. After exploring for a while, we got back in the car and drove the Alpine Loop road. It was beautiful! I love the fall colors everywhere and there are some breathtaking sights along the road. After a beautiful evening, we headed for home via Macey's for a few groceries and ice cream. We sat on the lawn in the dark eating our ice cream and listening to the High School football game. My kids laugh at me because when American Fork would score, the band would play the school song and I would sing along. They already thing I'm weird. The marching band performed for half time and I sat on the porch and listened to their show while the kids got their pajamas on. I love hearing the band, it brings back so many good memories. It was the perfect end to the perfect day.