Wednesday, June 13, 2012


The other day I was upstairs when Addy came to tell me that Maren just ate a penny.  I asked her if she saw Maren do it, and she didn't.  I asked Maren and she told me she ate a penny and that it was yucky.  She was breathing fine (flashback's from a bad experience working in the emergency room) so, I turned to google.  Most of the results on google said to make sure they're breathing, no tummy aches and just wait for it to pass.  If it doesn't pass in a few days or the child stops eating, call the doctor.  I also checked with a few of my nurse friends and they said the same thing.  I had the fun job of checking diapers for pennies, I even started wondering if maybe she really didn't eat one.  Sunday afternoon I caught a whiff of something foul.  I'll spare the details, but it was disgusting.  Just when I was about to give up, I saw something shiny.  Jackpot!  All I could think of was "find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you'll have good luck."  I better have lots of luck after picking that penny up!  And yes, that is the actual penny.

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