We've needed a new mattress for a while now. Our old one had permanent valleys in it and was super uncomfortable. We have a neighbor who owns a mattress store and gave us a great deal on a new one. We even upgraded from a queen to a king. I'm getting used to it and there certainly aren't any valleys in it. It's 16 inches wider than our last mattress, so it's kind of weird being so far away from Ben. Overall, I'm very happy with my early present.
This is the Lake in October, check out the shore line
Life has been so busy lately. It seems like everyone else has planned my days. I run from one place to the next and never seem to have a chance to unwind. This last Saturday, Ben and I decided that the lawn could wait to be mowed and the weeds could stay where they are for another week and well, everything else could wait too. It was great! We stayed in our pajamas and played with Little People. We had a nice relaxing day and some good food. We ended our day with a ride up American Fork canyon. When I was a kid we did a lot of exploring on the weekends. We would go up the canyon and drive around. I loved it, and I want to have my children experience it too. We drove up to Silver lake reservoir. It's a bumpy, but very pretty drive. I love Silver Lake, it's so pretty. We saw some really pretty fall leaves and other beautiful sights. I was totally surprised though at how low the reservoir is. I was just there in mid-July and the water was at normal levels. Saturday, it was a puddle. We walked along what was the bottom of the reservoir a short time ago. The kids had fun looking at the rocks and trying to spot animal tracks in the mud. We finished the day off with dinner and a frosty run. It was a perfect lazy day. I think we need to do this more often.
Next year's location for girls camp will be...drumroll please....Payson Lakes! A few weeks ago we picked Ben up from work and went on a little scouting trip to check out the group campgrounds up Payson canyon. Payson canyon and the Payson lakes are lovely. I'm very excited about camp next year. I know we took some pictures of the kids on this trip, but I can't seem to find them.
Several weeks ago Addy got a mosquito bite on her leg. It was red and swollen and hot. It reminded me of the reaction that I had to mosquito bites when I was a kid, so I thought nothing of it. 2 weeks ago we were at my parents and she complained that it itched, I thought that was kind of odd because it was a pretty old bite at that point. The next day I noticed the bite and it still looked pretty bad. Addy picked at it and goo came out. Gross!!! We put a bandaid on it and went on with the day. Before bed I looked at it again and checked to see if any more goo would come out. I touched it and something came out...it was long and black. At first I thought it was a stinger from a bee or something, but it was a huge splinter. OUCH! No wonder it looked bad and hurt. It felt better almost immediately. I guess I should check closer next time she has a nasty "mosquito" bite.