Friday, April 29, 2011

Blahhg part 2

Blogger was having issues the other day and so the second post I wrote wouldn't save or publish. Grrrrrrr! So, after my last kind of negative post, here is a little more positive one. I have really been struggling, I won't bore anyone with the details. I was feeling hurt and angry and sad. We just got a new home teacher and a few weeks ago he came and shared President Uchtdorf's message about seeing the good. I know it was the message for the month, but I think it was written just for me. The whole March and April Ensigns were written just for me. I took a step back and I have really been trying to see the good in life, even the crummy moments. For now I am trying to remember to see the good and pull myself out of this hole I've been in.

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