Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tales of the tooth

On Halloween we discovered that Addy's two bottom adult teeth are coming in. I wiggled her tooth and made it loose. For 4 long weeks she's been wiggling it with no luck. Last night before bed, I tried wiggling it, it was really loose. We've been worried that the dentist would have to pull the teeth. Addy let Ben and I wiggle and try to pull her tooth out. Finally just before bed I was able to pull the tooth out, with a bit of drama from our little queen. Once Addy calmed down she was super happy and excited. I made Addy a tooth pillow right after we discovered her loose tooth. Addy found her pillow and put her tooth in and went to bed. She only came upstairs a few times, she was too excited to sleep. The tooth fairy visited her room last night and left her a dollar. She can't wait to get the other tooth out now.

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