Sunday, July 12, 2009

Barefoot and Pregnant


Look how huge!!!

I'm not complaining here, I just have lots of people ask how I'm doing, so here's the report. I totally understand the phrase "barefoot and pregnant." As I hit the last month of pregnancy, I can hardly even get my flip-flops on due to swollen feet. I'm due one month from today, Yahoo!!! I'm getting really uncomfortable due to the size of my belly (it was big to begin with), I have heartburn that goes up into my ears, I get up at least 5 times a night to go to the bathroom, and to top it all off, the iron supplements are killing the GI system. I was told last week at the doctor that my blood pressure is going up and with the swelling and all, I probably have preeclampsia. I could have told them that. I had it with Addy, I can tell I have it again. The good news, I'm already dilated to a 1, which is pretty good for me. I never dilated with my other girls until the week they were born. The head is down and I have contractions all the time. If I walk around too much, I contract. Going to Walmart is quite an adventure. I think that when the time is closer that I better just avoid that evil place. Besides the general discomfort, things are good. I just need to finish moving bedrooms around and get all of the baby stuff ready. I'm hoping that the baby either comes the last week in July or right on my due date. I just have too much to do that first week in August!


Emily said...

I totally feel for you. I was the same way the last few weeks before the twins came, though it was spring, and not the hot summer. I can't imagine doing another summer baby!
Hang in there! (or out there... he he) She'll be 2 months old B4 you know it!

Jamie said...

That just looks painful! So sorry!!!