Sunday, November 6, 2011

A sad day

Last Sunday I was released from my calling as camp director. Most people were congratulating me, until I would burst into tears. I am very sad to be released. I absolutely love the young women in our ward, and I have loved my calling. To me camp is the perfect calling, it may be a few months of planning and one really stressful week, but I love it. After I found out we were going to expand our family, one of my first thoughts was of girls camp. I thought "how am I going to do this?" then I realized it was stake camp. I thought this is perfect, I can get another assistant director, do all the planning before the baby comes and then help get things ready to go . I figured the baby would be at least 2 months old when camp time came and with some extra help, I could juggle both. Then I received a call late one Sunday night from our YW president. She told me she wanted to have me released because it was just too much work with a newborn. I told her I didn't want to be released and that I had a plan. She said she would think/pray about it. Well two weeks later I got the phone call to meet with a member of our bishopric. I told him I was not happy about it. He told me that they (bishopric) had prayed about it and felt it was right to release me. I cried right there in the bishops office. I was devastated. I told him that whoever was called could only have the calling for a year and then I wanted it back. He laughed and said he would keep that in mind. I made it through sacrament meeting and hearing my name announced, but as soon as my mom asked me about it later, the tears came again. I've been involved with the young women in our ward for 5 years in one way or another and now I'm out. It makes me sad. I just have to have faith in Heavenly Father's plan and not my own. I'm sure this is what is best for me, but for now I'm really sad about it.

1 comment:

Emily said...

:(. I am totally there with you. Ever since I was in YW, I couldn't wait to be a YW leader. I was in YW for only 12 1/2 months (in an already-in Presidency). They released us all and it was the worst day of my life. I bawled and bawled. (Then I found out 2 weeks later the twins were both boys...hard month for me.) I still ache to be in YW again--for me it was the perfect calling. Every time someone is put in YW, I will admit that I tear up that it wasn't me. So, I know exactly how you feel and I'm so sorry. Here's a virtual hug for you. I'm sure with your beautiful girls you will have many more years in YW! :)