Sunday, November 6, 2011

Odds and ends of October

We enjoyed the warm weather by
having a picnic at the park

Ben's mom gave the girls Halloween pj's

Grandpa Williams gave us a huge pumpkin
from his garden, Maren thought it made a great chair

Our spooky bat pumpkin

The girls designed the pumpkin and Ben carved it.
Those are supposed to be ears, not horns :)

Holy cow! Time keeps flying around here, it's going too fast for me to keep up. Life is a bit hectic right now, but I also feel like I'm boring and have nothing to write. Here are just a few of the things we have been up to lately.
Some other things of note, my morning sickness is gone! I had an ultrasound and there is only one baby and it's doing great.
Last Sunday was the ward primary program. It was so sweet, most of the kids wrote their own parts. I love to hear them sing and I love watching all of the cute kids.
I was released from being camp director, a very sad thing.
Ben worked a 28 hour day last weekend. His company is getting ready to move to their new building. Ben was in charge of moving the data center which houses all of the servers and equipment that pretty much keeps the company running. No pressure. He left for work at 11:30 a.m. Friday and came home at 4:30 p.m. Saturday afternoon. It was a long weekend for Ben. My sister and I took the girls out on Saturday and did a little shopping and tried a new place to eat. We were brave and tried Johanna's kitchen in Sandy. It was your typical little greasy spoon.
All in all October was good to us, but it certainly came and went in a hurry. Hopefully we can enjoy November and all it has to offer.

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