Thursday, November 25, 2010

Primary Program

I just have to mention the primary program that was 2 weeks ago. It was so much fun to watch. The sunbeams were in great form. We had one little boy who kept putting his feet up on the wall by the podium and a little girl with bouncy blond curls who danced to "Follow the prophet." It was awesome. Last year only a few children gave talks, which made me sad, my kids didn't get to say anything. This year they went back to the classic format where each child has a part. Sydnee did great by getting up and saying clearly, in a big girl voice, "go to church." She did great. Addy had to recite a scripture, it was pretty long. We worked on it a few time, and she memorized it by herself. I was so proud of her. She memorized it all by herself and did great when she recited it to the whole ward. I am so grateful for all of the primary teachers and leaders. My girls love going to primary every week and they are learning so much.

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