Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

I wanted to post daily about something I am thankful for, but I am really trying to limit my time on the computer. So, here is a list of 30 things that I am grateful for. In no special order.

  1. Ben-after knowing him for 10 years, I still love him lots. He works so hard to take care of us and he cooks too. There are lots of reasons I am thankful for him.
  2. Addy-she's my first-born, the one who made me a mom. She is super smart and sensitive. She knows when I'm having a bad day and gives me hugs to make me feel better.
  3. Sydnee-this girl is so funny, she still loves to snuggle. She still gives me hugs and kisses when I drop her off at school.
  4. Maren-She is a little ham. She has a fiery little temper that makes me smile. She's my girl.
  5. My parents-I couldn't ask for better parents. They have taught me so much and are examples of true believers.
  6. My in-laws-they have welcomed me into their family and are supportive of us.
  7. My Heavenly Father-I am so grateful for his love and forgiveness.
  8. Jesus Christ-It is amazing for me to think about how much he suffered just for me, WOW!
  9. The gospel-It keeps me on the straight and narrow. I need direction in my life.
  10. Scriptures-my days are so much better and I feel stronger when I read the scriptures, another road map for life.
  11. Prayer-When life gets hard, I kneel. Prayer gives me strength and helps me through my days.
  12. Friends-I am grateful for good friends. I have good friends that I know are there for me when I need them.
  13. Nature-I love to look at all the beauty around me and know that Heavenly Father created it for me to enjoy.
  14. Good books-I love to read and get lost in a good book.
  15. Good music-I love lots of different kinds of music. It makes me happy.
  16. Good food-I love good food, need I say more?
  17. My house-my house may be small, but it is a great place full of memories.
  18. Warmth-it has been so cold lately, I am grateful for a warm house and warm clothes.
  19. Car-I am grateful for two cars that are paid for that get us to where we need to go.
  20. Living prophet-I am grateful for president Monson and the counsel he gives us.
  21. Employment-I am grateful that Ben has a good job that he enjoys.
  22. Siblings-I am grateful for my brother and sister. We didn't always get along and sometimes we still don't, but we are family and we love each other.
  23. Extended family-I am grateful for lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins. I have so many good childhood memories of my family.
  24. Grandparents-I may not have known all of them, but the ones I did, I loved.
  25. Health-I have a lot of aches and pains, but overall I am healthy and can do what I want to.
  26. Freedom-I am grateful for my freedom and for those that make it possible.
  27. Sacrifice of others-I am grateful for all those who came before me and made sacrifices. They paved the way for the life I am able to live.
  28. Temple-I am grateful for the blessings of the temple and that I can be with my family for eternity.
  29. Life experiences-I am grateful for all the experiences I have had. They have shaped who I am and made me a better person.
  30. Technology-I am grateful for easy ways to keep a journal and keep in touch with others.

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