Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Black Mark

This morning was rough. I didn't feel well and Maren woke up way too early. I didn't get a chance to get in the shower when I wanted to. I was running behind with everything. The girls were great to get themselves ready for school while I was dealing with other issues. It wouldn't have been so bad except for the fact that I had to go to the school and read to Sydnee's class. I love helping in Sydnee's class. This morning however just wasn't going good. We made it out the door and to the car in what I thought was plenty of time, until I noticed the ice on my windshield. Grrrrrrrr! I got the kids in the car, started it and turned the defroster on. I tried to scrape as much ice as I could, and I thought okay, we're going to make it. Then Addy said she forgot her library book, sigh. She ran in the house and got her book. The school isn't very far, but the traffic was awful. Lots of other moms were late as well. We pulled into a parking space and I told Addy to run, the first bell had already rang. I got the stroller out and loaded Maren in. As Sydnee and I walked to the cross walk, we noticed that all the classes at her door had already gone in. Now, I have never made my children late to school and it really bothered me. We were greeted in the hallway by the secretary who took Sydnee's name and marked her tardy. When we first walked in, she was busy with other children and we could have walked right by, but I didn't. It made me feel awful that Sydnee how has a black mark on her spotless record, a big fat tardy. I know this isn't a huge deal, but it is to me. I really want to be a good mom and a responsible parent, and today I just didn't cut it. The worst part was during the morning announcements at school they announced they had a huge problem this morning, there were 42 students who were tardy. Even though I wasn't the only one who was late, it made me feel even worse. Hopefully the day will get better and I can get back on track.

1 comment:

Dawna said...

I feel your pain. I decided a long time ago that I had to let go of the pressure I put on myself. It was hard, but life is much easier. I hope that tomorrow is a better day :)