Friday, September 24, 2010

Super Busy

I can't believe how busy I have been in the last few weeks. I feel like today is the first day that I have actually been able to slow down and breathe. I have spent the last few weeks planning and carrying out a baby shower, which was very successful. I baked 8 dozen cream puffs and 6 dozen chocolate chip cookies for the shower. I don't mean to brag, but I had many people tell me they were the best cream puffs they had ever tasted. I took Maren in for more lab work. Her iron is finally up, yeah! We've been doing homework, picking apples and cooking with them, pulling more teeth out, going to young women activities, working on girls camp, slide-shows and lots of other things. Oh, and helping lots of friends with their children. I also have been doing some things to help at the school. I think I need a short break, I'm grateful to be busy, but I'm a little tired of my life being planned for me. I'm a control freak, I need some control. Sigh. I'm done now. So, I guess I will post some pictures from the last few weeks. Breathe...

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