Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Super Saturday

Yesterday, Ben and I had the privilege to go to a sealing at the Mt. Timpanogos temple. A family in our ward whom we love had their youngest son sealed to them. This family is amazing. They have 2 biological daughters and have adopted 7 children who were in the foster care system. Kim and Matt are two people who I look up to, the story of how they came to have all of their children just amazes me. Yesterday morning was just perfect. The sealer gave a little talk before the kids came in and it really touched me. He talked about the covenants that are made in the temple and their significance. It was a good reminder that was very helpful to me. When the children came in the room, I was just overpowered with the sense of love in the room. Even now I'm a little teary eyed thinking about it. I am so grateful for the gospel and the knowledge that I can be together with my family for eternity. I am grateful that Ben and I could be married in the temple and keep our children sealed to us forever.

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