Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Day of Rest

We happened to find a church yesterday that is really close to us.  We had tried to find one on the website, but had no luck.  We decided to show up to church at 9 and hope that we were on time for sacrament meeting.  We found our way into the building and were immediately welcomed by so many people.  There were so many sweet, smiling faces there.  One sister gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek and said "Bienvenidos hermana" (welcome sister).  The bishop of the ward asked our names and welcomed us to church during sacrament meeting.  The church is very small, only a few classrooms downstairs and the chapel was upstairs.  We may not have spoken the language, but it felt very much like home.  Diego has never been to church, and he was not very good during sacrament meeting.  He would walk around and shake everyone's hands around us.  Most people smiled and laughed at him.  He started to escalate into full blown fit.  Ben and I took turns following him around and we also took turns taking him out.  I finally took him downstairs and kept him there.  We only stayed for sacrament meeting because Diego was so out of control.  Everyone at church was very kind to us and the woman sitting behind us told Ben that all children are like that.  Although I didn't understand much of the service, I enjoyed singing the hymns in Spanish.  They were all hymns that I am familiar with in English.  We may be far from home, but the church is still the same every where we may go.  It's nice to have something in common with some of the people here.
We were in need of groceries yesterday, but with our touring and all we didn't make it to the market.  We wanted to keep the sabbath day holy and so we decided to live off of the few groceries that we had.  Ben made Diego eggs with some left over rice and plantains for breakfast and oatmeal with fig for us.  For lunch we had rice and lentils and broccoli.  Diego was so tired he could hardly stay awake.  Ben put him down for a nap and we had naps too.  I fell asleep in the living room and slept for about 3 hours.  I think I really needed some sleep.  Ben took care of Diego and took him outside to play.  When I woke up, Ben started on dinner.  Arroz con leche which is like a thin rice pudding.  Diego was really hungry and couldn't wait for it to be done, so he had a bunch of crackers and some bread.  When the rice was done, Diego mooched a lot of rice from Ben, he loved it.  I had a banana with my dinner and Diego had to have one too.  I couldn't believe how much he ate.  We were able to Skype with the kids and then it was time for bed.  Diego went to sleep pretty quick, but he has a hard time staying asleep if he's in the room by himself.  I guess it's a good thing that he and Silas will share a room at home.  Tomorrow is a holiday and so there won't be much going on, and then Tuesday we have our Integration meeting which will start the official court process for the adoption. 

1 comment:

Grandma Sue said...

I'm totally loving your blog - thanks for posting your daily adventures. The Presidential Palace is so different and beautiful. Glad the church is true in Bogota too! Diego's first visit to church made me smile - fun days ahead :)