Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Rollercoaster

I need a nap. I am feeling weary to the bone and just plain exhausted. This week has been such a rollercoaster of emotions. Sunday I was feeling stressed over girls camp and worried about equipment. I was e-mailing the young men leaders in our ward at 5 a.m. because I woke up at 4 and couldn't sleep. 3 e-mail responses and a phone call took care of the equipment issue. Yesterday, 33 days before camp I received a phone call with a recorded message from the forest service saying that they had cancelled my reservation to Payson Lakes due to ice and snow in the campgrounds, and sorry for any inconvenience. Inconvenience? That was an understatement. I have 33 days, it's more than an inconvenience. After some phone calls and internet searches, we (me and the YW presidency) found a new camp site. When I returned from the meeting I tried to reserve the site and the web-site was down. Argh! I waited until a little after midnight and it was back up and the reservations are now made. We will now be staying at Jordanelle state park up above Heber. They don't have any snow right now! The price tag was a little higher, so we decided to cut camp a day short. I now have to revamp my whole schedule, but it can be done. I know my prayers were answered yesterday and God opened a window after the door was slammed shut. I am so grateful that things are working out, I know Heavenly Father has a hand in this. Now, it's time for a much needed nap!


Laura said...

What a nightmare! I'm glad everything worked out to find a site. Hope the schedule comes together!

Emily said...

We went to Jordanelle just after it opened one year for our camp. I LOVED it! I'm so glad you found a place!
I have learned after many years, and stressing callings, that if you're doing something for Church and you try your hardest, God will not let you fail! Things always come together! :) Now, GET SOME SLEEP!