Thursday, July 29, 2010

Now I know...

Oaky, so I have always known that I wasn't meant to have a large family, but now I know for sure that 3 kids is the perfect number for me. I seem to be the neighborhood babysitter and it seems like most of my friends have 3 kids as well. When you add my 3 plus another 3 it equals pure chaos. A few months ago I volunteered to help some friends out. They were going to go on the pioneer trek with our youth. I volunteered to keep their daughter who is Addy's age. We've watched her before for a few days and it went well. The mom asked about a month ago if I could take one more, I said yes. A few days ago she said there was a problem with one of the other families and if I could take on one more. What was I supposed to say, at this point it was only a few days before leaving. Being the nice person I am, I said yes. I was trying to be nice and helpful, but my sanity is already teetering here. My girls have been fighting like crazy and now I have added 3 more to the mix. It's an absolute mad house around here. I'm not complaining, I am happy to help out, but I certainly don't have the personality to be able to handle 6 kids. 3 days, I can handle this. Please pray for me that I won't have a nervous breakdown in the next few days ;) Serenity Now!!!

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