Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring Break and Such

I feel like I'm always trying to catch up, so here is the events of the first week of April...

  • April 1st Sydnee had her pre-school Easter egg hunt and I attended the general young women workshops. I'm really excited about the new personal progress website they announced.
  • April 2nd I got to help with Addy's class Easter party. 1st graders are so funny! We decorated bags that look like bunnies. The boys made their cute little bunnies into vampires and added horns and blood. So funny! It was great, the egg hunt lasted about 5 minutes and then it was over. Sydnee went shopping with G&G Yancey for her birthday. Grandma Yancey let Sydnee pick out lots of stuff from Big Lots. We have lots of great toys now!
  • April 3rd Saturday general conference was great! I love conference. We missed the second session so that we could go the Ben's parents for Easter dinner/birthday party for Sydnee and Hope. Afterwards, we rushed home so Ben could go to priesthood and me and my girls could go to Grandma Williams house for our traditional Girls Night In party. It was a busy, but great day.
  • April 4th Easter Sunday! I love having conference on Easter, it was such a beautiful day full of reminders of the atonement and true reason for Easter. We colored eggs in between sessions, After conference we went to my parents house for Easter dinner with the whole family and more birthday celebrating.
  • April 5th Ben and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary in style! We went to Wal-Mart to shop for Sydnee's birthday and we had lunch at a little Mexican dive called Maria Bonitas. We had fun just being together. After 9 years, we still love each other! That night we had a FHE lesson on the temple and told the girls about the day we were married and how special it was.
  • April 6th the weather was yucky and so we did laundry and vegetated.
  • April 7th Sydnee's 5th Birthday. We celebrated by going to Pirate Island Pizza. We were joined by Grandma Williams, Aunt Camille and my friend Jamie and her two kids Garrett and Rylie. Jamie and I have been friends forever, it has been fun seeing our kids play together. We had a huge 2 foot wide pizza and the kids played games in the aarghcade and rode on the merry- go -round. Sydnee kept dumping tokens into the merry-go-round, after a while she started to stand up and hang on the poles. It looked like she was doing a pole dance. It was lots of fun, so much fun that Maren fell asleep. We had birthday cake and presents and Maren sprouted her 5th tooth.
  • April 8th we had our Fancy Nancy party part deux. Deux is a fancy word for saying two. Aunt Camille and I gave Addy and Sydnee pedicures and then we made cute little headbands and ate fancy food with our pinkies up. The butler wasn't feeling well, but all 5 of us girls had a wonderful time! Thank You Grandma for a fun party!
  • April 9th Maren came down with a cold during the night and so she wasn't too happy. Addy went to play at my friend Marie's house while I took Sydnee in for her kindergarten checkup. Sydnee was too shy to talk to the nurse and so she failed her hearing test. I spent the whole visit wrestling Maren to wipe her nose and trying to keep Sydnee calm for her shots. Sydnee did well with her shots, she flinched a good bit and cried for a while. Her Barbie sticker and sparkly pencil helped a little, but I think her smoothie from McDonalds helped her feel better. Have you had their smoothies, yummy!!! I'm glad I don't go to Old McDonald's very often, those things could become very addicting.
  • The rest of the weekend is kind of a blur. Maren got sick, Sydnee ran a fever and didn't feel good after all of her shots. Both kids were up during the night which means that I was up too. I got a cold and so the rest of our month has been spent not feeling well. This cold has lasted for several weeks. I'll be really glad when Maren's nose stops running. We're all finally feeling better, so hopefully we can do a few fun things this last week of the month.

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