Sunday, April 26, 2009

Spring Break

Spring break was a big bummer! The weather in our lovely valley was anything but nice. The girls and I stayed indoors and went stir crazy. Addy and Sydnee were at each others throats and I was feeling those winter blues again. We finally tried to make our own fun. I gave the girls pedicures and Addy did our hair. This activity was fun, but unfortunately didn't last too long. Friday Ben took the day off of work and we wandered our way up to Salt Lake. We had planned on going to Tracy Aviary, but it was too cold. We tried to go to the aquarium, but it was too crowded. We wandered until we ended up at the gateway. We took the girls to the Discovery Gateway. Wow! It was a mad house! The girls enjoyed themselves while my eyes just kept spinning. After a few hours we left for lunch, which was the highlight of the trip for me. We ate at Thaifoon, a totally yummy Asian restaraunt which had a gluten-free menu. My favorite dish was the evil jungle princess chicken. It was fabulous. The girls loved their food, Sydnee even ate her edamame (we have the picture to prove it.) After lunch we headed back to the discovery gateway for several more hours of fun. When the crowds died down, it was lots of fun. Sydnee had a great time running to the store and filling her basket, then she would bring it back to the house and cook. Addy enjoyed the construction area and liked running the crane. After about 6+ hours we decided we had gotten our money's worth and headed home. Discovery gateway wasn't my favorite place, but the kids loved it. Unfortunately, Monday when school was back in and the weather was gorgeous, Addy was too sick to go to school. Why couldn't she be sick during spring break when it was snowing?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

As long as the kids are happy right!? I've wondered about the restaurant - with your thumbs up I'll have to give it a try. We should go up together...minus kids of course!