Thursday, March 5, 2009

Naughty, Naughty...

It's official, Sydnee has hit the mischievous stage. When Sydnee was potty-training, we had a small Winnie the Pooh potty. I was grateful to put it away and just use the potty seats that fit on the toilet. I put the Pooh Bear potty in our shower downstairs to get it out of the way. I didn't like the look of the shower so I hung a curtain around it. The other day I noticed the curtain was a mess and that someone had been in the shower. The kids are generally the culprit when it comes to getting in the shower. I fixed the curtain and went on with the day. Later the curtain was a mess again. I looked in the shower and noticed that the potty that was being stored in there was full. Gross!!! I pulled it out and cleaned it. I questioned Sydnee and of course she blamed it on Addy. I know better. Sydnee got in trouble and sat in time out. The next day, the same thing. The potty was full again. Sydnee lied to me again and got into a lot of trouble. I got mad and threw the potty away. She also colored all over the vanity in the same bathroom. Sydnee has always been my angel, I guess she's hit the naughty stage. At least the potty is gone. The crayons might be the next to go.

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